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Joyce Kramer has consulted for UNICEF and has served as Director of Public Relations and Development for the National Association of People with AIDS and of the Maryland-based Health Education Research Organization.
Internationally, she has been architect of a communications and media strategy for a global consortium of HIV/AIDS organizations (The CORE Initiative) and has led international radio and TV campaigns around issues of HIV/AIDS and Polio Eradication.
Ms. Kramer has directed all aspects of public relations campaigns, including television, radio, World Wide Web, print media relationships, and in-house publications, and she has led a multitude of fundraising activities, including direct mailing, major events and solicitation of foundation, major donor and corporate support.
Ms. Kramer recently published Invisible No More: The Secret Lives of Women Over 50 with two co-authors. In marketing the book, she has generated and participated in over 50 television and radio appearances, as well as in many print media interviews.
Ms. Kramer holds a BS (magna cum laude) in English and Psychology and a Master’s Degree with post graduate courses in education, English, psychology, and computer science.
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